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AIndependent load tests revealed that GeeFix outperforms all other heavy-duty cavity wall fixings on the market. The GeeFix fixings were tested for shear, tensile and cantilever strength capabilities on 15mm plasterboard.
These are ultimate holdings per fixing using the screws provided in the pack and for items held next to the wall.
The ultimate holding will be less for those items held away from the wall such as shelves and cantilever TV brackets.
Values are given as guides only and cannot be guaranteed. Age, condition, and capacity of the base material must be considered. When installing your item industry standards recommend ¼ of the ultimate load.
AYes, but you will need longer installation screws to suit the thickness of your wall. When you place your order, let us know the thickness of the wall and we can make up a pack for you with longer screws to suit the installation.