How to hang a TV bracket on a plasterboard wall
Are you wondering how to fix TV bracket to a plasterboard wall? Hanging a TV on a plasterboard wall is possible even if the TV is very large and heavy like a 50 inch TV.
Mounting a heavy TV to plasterboard wall is easy with GeeFix. GeeFix are the best heavy duty plasterboard fixings for tv. Popular DIY YouTuber Charlie DIYte after reviewing GeeFix said “A stronger plasterboard fixing than anything I’ve ever encountered before”. Click here to see Charlie DIYte full review.
Our plasterboard fixings or drywall anchors are the ideal choice for fixing a large flat screen TV onto plasterboard or drywall. They are engineered to maximize the surface area of the load bearing back plate that’s inserted into the wall cavity.
GeeFix is a versatile plasterboard fixing with unrivalled strength. The fixings are suitable for all types of plasterboard, plywood, hardboard, chipboard, MDF and even sheet metal. GeeFix is the ideal fixing for mounting radiators, towel rails, ceiling fans as well as plasterboard fixings for a TV bracket,
How to fix tv bracket to plasterboard wall
Fixing a TV on drywall is easy with GeeFix.
With GeeFix you can fix it once and fix it right. Each packet contains 4 heavy duty hollow wall anchors. Take a look at our video below to see how easy it is to fix a TV to a plasterboard wall.
If you prefer to see a step-by-step image gallery showing how fixing a heavy tv to plasterboard wall with GeeFix.

Step 1
Drill a 1” hole centered on your desired location

Step 2
Assemble your GeeFix wall anchor system as shown above by threading the supplied blue pullcord through the round wall plug, the curved back plate, and back through the wall plug.

Step 3
While holding onto the pullcord, feed the curved back plate into the hole and center on the 1″ hole

Step 4
While keeping light tension on the pullcord slide the wall plug into the 1″ hole to align with the holes on the back plate

Step 5
While keeping firm tension on the pullcord, screw the large screw into the center hole until the GeeFix becomes firm, but do not overtighten. Keeping tension on the pullcord will keep the back plate in place during installation.

Step 6
Pull out the pullcord but do not discard. You can use the same pullcord on additional GeeFix installations.

Step 7
Insert the 2 smaller screws on either side of the large screw and tighten until the GeeFix is firmly secured but do not overtighten.

Step 8
Remove the center screw

Step 9
Now that your GeeFix system is installed, you can either use the center screw to fix your TV wall mount.
Frequently asked questions
Q: Can you hang a 55 inch tv on a plasterboard wall?
A: Yes you can. GeeFix is the strongest plasterboard fixing on the market.
Q: Can you hang a tv on a stud wall?
A: Yes, it is possible to hang a TV on a stud wall. A stud wall is a type of wall that is made up of vertical wooden supports called studs. These studs provide a solid foundation for attaching items such as shelves, curtains, and televisions using GeeFix, the ultimate plasterboard fixings for tv.
Q: How to fix a tv bracket to a plasterboard wall?
A: With GeeFix just follow the instructions above or watch the video found here.
Q: Can I wall mount my tv above a radiator?
A: It is generally not recommended to mount a TV above a radiator as the heat from the radiator can cause damage to the TV. Additionally, the TV may block the flow of heat from the radiator which can cause the room to become too hot. If you must mount the TV above the radiator, you should use a TV mount that is rated for the specific size and weight of your TV, and be sure to leave at least a few inches of space between the TV and the radiator to allow for proper ventilation.
Q: How much weight can plasterboard hold?
A: The weight that plasterboard can hold depends on several factors, including the thickness of the plasterboard, the type of fastener used, and the spacing of the fasteners.
In general, a standard 1/2 inch thick plasterboard can hold up to 5 lb per square foot if the fasteners are spaced 12 inches apart. This means that a 4×8 ft sheet of plasterboard can hold around 160 lbs.
GeeFix can hold up to 270kg.