As 2019 drew to a close, we thought we’d have some fun at GeeFix HQ with one of our local rugby players. A kitted-out Lewis Hodnett of Shrewsbury Rugby Club stopped by to put our fixings to the test, admittedly skeptical that two fixings could support his solid 17.5 stone (111 kilogram / 245 pound) frame.<
We asked Lewis to stand atop a shelf that we secured to a 12.5mm piece of plasterboard with two GeeFix fixings. As seen in the below photograph, the shelf remained securely anchored to the plasterboard, supporting Lewis’ weight.

Disclaimer: For demonstration purposes only. Do not attempt this at home.
For a chap that’s used to flattening his opponents on the field, the GeeFix’s resilience came as quite the surprise. “Fair play” Lewis remarked as he slurped his tea, “these bad boys are a game changer.”
Cheers Lewis for being a great sport, and happy new year from all of us at GeeFix HQ!